Anchor Bookery Affiliate disclosure
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- Anchor Bookery is a for profit blog and bookshop. It contains paid banner advertisements that are generated and managed by a third party network. This site also includes relevant affiliate links (both in the content and on the sidebar) all of which we do our best to clearly mark as such. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases (which means that if you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission). This does NOT result in any additional cost to you, and the affiliate money we earn helps pay the fees to keep this site up and running – thanks for your support!
- Anchor Bookery reserves the right to remove, replace, or move any images or content without prior announcement (site redesigns usually occur every few years). All photos that aren’t taken by Anchor Bookery are credited and linked to their outside sources and are believed to be in public domain and readily available on the Internet (published according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, title 17, U.S. Code). Any photos not credited to an outside source have been taken by Anchor Bookery and are rights protected.
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