Stand Up, Stand Strong

publisher description

If we live according to the gospel, we’re going to make waves. Why? Because the way of Christ is countercultural. It doesn’t go with the flow, compromise on truth, or stay silent in the face of injustice–so neither can we. No matter how young or old we are, or how much or how little influence we think we have, God calls us to boldly engage our upside-down culture through the lens of his truth. With powerful examples from Scripture and stories from teens today and through the centuries, Sara Barratt equips teens to live with a biblical worldview, approach today’s hot-button issues with godly wisdom, and influence their generation for the glory of God. Tackling tough topics like sexuality, addiction, identity, media, and much more, Sara offers practical ways to stay rooted in God’s truth while engaging culture with the redemptive story of the gospel–no matter the cost.

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Content considerations

Be prepared for offensive language, mature situations, potential violence or heavy topics throughout. Age and sensitivity to any of the above content should be considered.

Maturity level and age should be considered. Includes several mentions of one or all of the following: offensive language (such as name calling, swearing, vulgar words), violence, romantic relationships and substance abuse.

Has some content to take note of including language (potty talk, stupid, dumb, etc), bad attitudes towards others or adults, sensitive topics such as death of a pet or bullying, relationships beyond friends (crushes, etc).

Content is appropriate for all ages.


Sara Hinrichs - Owner at Anchor Bookery | Coast and Anchor
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